I originally spoken to Kaymen if I spelled the name correctly. My glasses are dameged. she asked me to take a picture and send them to zeeloolsupport and they would send a replacement. I a reply the question asked do I want a refund. I replied I wanted the glassed not a refund. If I can't get the replacement can I get a replacement of the frame in hope to get the lens in the new frame. What can I do?
I originally spoken to Kaymen if I spelled the name correctly. My glasses are dameged. she asked me to take a picture and send them to zeeloolsupport and they would send a replacement. I a reply the question asked do I want a refund. I replied I wanted the glassed not a refund. If I can't get the replacement can I get a replacement of the frame in hope to get the lens in the new frame. What can I do?
Do you offer to repair glasses
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