How do I get thinner lenses?




  • Deborah Patton

    I am ordering more glasses for my grandson Justin Freeman his are almost broken but it will be a while before I can get him to the eye doctor the appt are running at least 6 months or longer he is blind without his glasses. I wanted to know if they can be made thinner the lenses and I did not understand your answer. There is something on the order I had it all made up and I hit the wrong button or something. I have to start over

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  • Deborah Patton

    I am ordering more glasses for my grandson Justin Freeman his are almost broken but it will be a while before I can get him to the eye doctor the appt are running at least 6 months or longer he is blind without his glasses. I wanted to know if they can be made thinner the lenses and I did not understand your answer. There is something on the order I had it all made up and I hit the wrong button or something. I have to start over

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